项目名称: 液晶空间光调制器 项目编号: 清采比选******号
公告开始日期: 2025-02-14 17:17:10 公告截止日期: 2025-02-17 18:00:00
签约时间要求: 成交后15个工作日内 交货时间要求: 签订合同后3个工作日内
国内合同付款方式: 货到付款100%
采购清单采购商品: 液晶空间光调制器 采购数量: 1 计量单位: 个
技术参数及配置要求: 1.Ultra High-Speed, High-Efficiency, Phase 1024 x 1024 SLM System with High-Speed 8-bit PCIe Controller and TCS2 HeaterModel: UHSPDM1K-700-900-PC8Dielectric mirror design wavelength: 700-900nm Calibrate Wavelength:λc= 785 nm Array Size: 17.4 x 17.4 mm External Window: AR coated, Ravg< 1% @500-1200nm Format: 1024 x 1024 (1,048,576 active pixels) Pixel Pitch: 17.0 x 17.0 μm Mode: Reflective Phase Stroke (Double Pass): Calibrated LUT for2π @ λd Reflected Wavefront Distortion (RMS Calibrated): λc/6 Zero-Order Diffraction Efficency:88-98 % @785nm Fill Factor: 97.2 % Liquid Crystal Response Time(10-90%) :Promise, < 2.0 ms @ 785 nmBest Effort, <1.0 ms @ 785 nm LC switch Frequency :Promise,> 500 Hz @ 785 nmBest Effort, > 1,000 Hz @ 785 nm2.PCIe ControllerOutput Trigger Signal:SMA connector provides normally high TTL signal which goes low TBD (Est. 696 μs) before new image starts to load from the controller to the SLM Input Trigger Signal:SMA connector allows the falling edge of TTL input trigger to control when the image data on the SLM changes CPU to Controller Phase Levels: 256 / 8 bits Controller to SLM Phase Levels: 4,096 analog CPU to SLM Transfer Time (one image): TBD (Est. 250 μs) Maximum System Frame Rate: Frame rate limited to Maximum Liquid Crystal Switching Frequency3.二次开发包包含:MATLAB、Ci、Labview三种语言开发包
质保期: 12个月